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Surviving the Jet Lag


How many times have we experienced the famous jet lag? Also called time lag disorder, this temporary sleep problem can affect anyone who travels quickly through multiple time zones.

The most common symptoms are drowsiness, difficulty sleeping, tiredness, lack of concentration, irritability, apathy, digestive discomfort, and headache. It is not severe or lasting, but it is annoying and disabling. Regularly, it lasts two days or a maximum of one week.

When we travel by plane, we are going against gravity and this has significant effects on our health. Therefore, we have to prepare ourselves so that it does not affect us.


One of the most innovative measures is the so-called "anti-jet-lag diet": four days before the trip, you should start a diet rich in protein at breakfast and noon, and for dinner a high carb. Two days before the flight, calorie consumption should be minimized.

It is also recommended before taking the plane to take effervescent vitamin C to strengthen your immune system. Remember that you share the air with the rest of the passengers, and it is better to be safe than sorry.

Avoiding alcohol and coffee during the trip is the best option to not dehydrate. If you can, eat before boarding the plane or take a snack with you, since the food on the plane is frozen and reheated, and that is not healthy.


When you arrive at your destination, we suggest you take a steam bath and a substantial breakfast the next day, this will leave you as new and ready to enjoy your destination.

So remember, the secret to surviving the jet lag is to prepare your mind to experience a healthy and safe time change. Our body has its own clock that tells us when we should be awake and when to sleep. Therefore, it is important to know our body and take the necessary measures to reduce its effects.