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What are your resolutions for the New Year?

What are your resolutions for the New Year?

2019 is gone, and with it, surely, there were a couple of things that we didn't manage to finish or that we still want to do, a couple of things that were left pending…

For that reason, beyond losing the weight that we regain with the holidays, saving money, waking up earlier, or drinking more water, here are some and different resolutions for the new year. And while they won't leave us fit and make us millionaires overnight, it will allow us to end 2020 more satisfied, happier, and being a better person.

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Challenge yourself more and judge yourself less

Much of our stress and frustration comes from comparing ourselves to others constantly. So, the next time you look in any mirror, before pointing out your defects, start by recognizing your strengths.

At first, it is not easy in the midst of a society of material and aesthetic values, but little by little, you will realize that you have many good things to offer and that for many, they are even enviable. This new year, begin by challenging you to improve those good things or those you are already good at, and you'll see how soon you'll start challenging yourself more and more to be better.

Finish that project you started

A painting, a remodeling, that spring cleaning you left halfway through, finishing reading and - why not? - writing a book; whatever project you left unfinished, this new year is an excellent time to take it up again.

Remember why you started that project and write it down in a visible place, then analyze the obstacles that prevented you from completing it and transform them into "opportunity areas." For example, I wanted to finish reading a book to help me improve my finances (that would be my reason) but, due to lack of time, I didn't make it. So, I will incorporate into my routine 30 minutes a day to read it (opportunity area). And if -like me- you work better under pressure, set yourself a deadline to achieve it.

Try something new

Learning to dance salsa, skating, parasailing, and even tasting new flavors are experiences that expand our horizons and can change our perspective in many ways.

So, starting the new year by learning, trying, or experiencing something new is a great way to honor all that we didn't do this ending year. How about a new language, learning to scuba diving, or even preparing an exotic dish? Don't think twice; every day is a new opportunity!

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Help the planet

With an increasing population, the level of consumption is expected to grow proportionally, as pollution increases and the living space on our planet is considerably reduced.

Therefore, any big or small action that you can carry out to protect the environment will be very helpful. Start composting, joining in, or taking on challenges like #TrashChallenge, and even questioning companies about what they do with their waste are all commitments you can make this new year that will make you a more responsible consumer.

Remember: most of the waste we generate can be reduced, reused, or recycled. This new year, start by being more responsible with the planet from your own home.

Travel to new destinations

And because the best way to love and care for our planet is to know it, what better than to start this new year by discovering new places?

In 2019, we added new NexusTours destinations to our catalog so you can discover new cultures, new landscapes and live a lot of new adventures. Barbados, Grenada, Tobago, Florida, New York, and Las Vegas; you decide where you want to go, we take you there!

As you see, this 2020 arrives full of new challenges, experiences, and projects in the middle of a world of opportunities. So, more than excuses, this new year, find more ways to do what you have always dreamed of, smile more, worry less, and be happy!

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